Four learners from RIS Hinckley returned back to school to the exciting news that their short stories will be published in a book.
The learners entered the Young Writers ‘Mission Chaos’ creative writing competition, where they had to write a mini saga in 100 words or less with the theme of chaos. Each learner smashed the brief and Editor, Lynsey Evans said: “Having all your students’ work chosen is something to be proud of, it doesn’t happen every day! I was impressed with their writing and it’s clear that you’ve really inspired and engaged them with creative writing.”
‘Mission Chaos – Treasured Tales’ will be published on 15 November and will feature the four learners’ stories, ‘The Vampire Returns’, ‘The Disease’, ‘Zombie Chaos’ and ‘Cat’s Spell’.
Kerry Newton, Site Lead Teacher at R.E.A.L. said: “We’re so proud of the learners, this is an amazing achievement and a perfect way to start the new school year. We’re all excited to get a copy of the book in November.”