Deciding what path to take after leaving school can feel like a massive decision. At R.E.A.L. we pride ourselves in making sure our learners are armed with the knowledge and qualifications to comfortably make this next step.
February marked National Apprenticeship Week and no, that doesn’t mean seven days of Lord Alan Sugar. Learners at R.E.A.L. took part in many activities including watching The Big Assembly, a live broadcast explaining the benefits of an apprenticeship.
Did you know we offer staff apprenticeships at R.E.A.L. too? In September 2022 our latest cohort of Teaching Assistant apprentices enrolled at R.E.A.L. and they’ve had this to say about their journey so far;
Olivia: “I have gained a better knowledge and have more experience to help myself and the learners I work with.”
Clare: “I am really enjoying improving my knowledge and actually enjoy doing maths!”
Aimelouise: “The Level 3 TA apprenticeship course has helped me to better support the learners and put my new skills learned into action.”
Any staff at R.E.A.L. wanting to find out more about apprenticeships should email HR. Learners interested in apprenticeships elsewhere should talk to their Programme Manager.