We love learners to suggest ideas for activities to do at R.E.A.L., as it’s important to us young people feel they can have their say.
One learner recently pitched an idea to Jayne Barrell, Deputy Head at our Ilkeston site, to run a competition to create a scene using eggs. Jayne said: “I thought it was a great idea! He created the posters to advertise it and insisted that both learners and staff should be included.”
Learners and staff both joined in and made some egg-stremely good scenes, including a Barbie setting and Toy Story scene.
Jayne said: “I was given the honour of judging the entries which were all really creative. However, the winner for me was the brilliant ‘Eggsmen’ which was created by our Site Lead, Nicole. Well done to the learner for having such a fabulous idea. He will now be leading on ideas for future competitions that we hold!”
At R.E.AL. we work with students to collaboratively build learning opportunities, these include opportunities for creativity and collaboration and team work. We build community at R.E.A.L. by working together.