The R.E.A.L. Education counselling service offers high quality one-to-one therapy sessions and is available to all our learners.
Based on the core values of a humanistic counselling, the service offers professional and specialised support to the young people who attend R.E.A.L with a wide range of emotional needs. Its holistic approach welcomes the young people with non-judgemental, empathic support for anything the learner is finding difficult.
Any R.E.A.L. student, or their parents/ carers, can make a confidential self-referral directly to the counselling service using the following link:
R.E.A.L. Education Counselling Referral Form
Alternatively, they could speak to a Tutor or their Learning Manager and ask for a referral to be made on their behalf.
For all enquiries about the R.E.A.L. counselling service please contact Robert Smith using the details below:
Phone: 01158 220 400